📺 Movies/TV Watched, May 2024

Some of the movies and TV I watched in May of 2024:

The Regime


I watched a few episodes before giving up. Not funny. Not sharp. Not saying anything interesting.

Fallout, season 1


I’m not familiar with the video game, so I have no attachment to the source material. I enjoyed the show. It’s fun and funny, but not very serious.

John Adams


A monumental mini-series based on the David McCullough biography. I highly recommend watching it if you have any interest in the American Revolution or the beginnings of the United States.

The Big Short


The “good guys” depicted in this film contribute to our broken financial system just as much as the bad guys do, but they are glorified because they were on the winning side of the bet this time. Nevertheless, the movie is funny and entertaining.

Margin Call


An underrated film, and a more honest depiction of the 2008 financial crisis than The Big Short. I like movies where it’s just people in rooms talking because the dialogue must then carry the story, which this movie does well. Jeremy Irons nails it.

Mississippi Burning


A damn powerful film. It perfectly captures the terror of living in the South at the time. The movie is set in the civil rights era, but the ’80s score somehow works perfectly. Gene Hackman and Willem Dafoe make a great buddy cop duo.

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