😞 Things People Tend to Regret

1. Spending too much time at work.

2. Not pursuing their passions.

3. Not studying or working hard in school.

4. Losing touch with friends.

5. Not traveling the world.

6. Not taking chances.

7. Not asking out their crush.

8. Not spending more time with parents and family.

9. Not learning things when they had the chance to learn things.

10. Taking up smoking.

11. Being a bully.

12. Being selfish.

13. Being shy.

14. Fretting so much over the future.

15. Living in the past.

16. Playing life safe.

17. Treating their bodies recklessly.

18. Eating poorly.

19. Drinking too much.

20. Wasting time.

21. Wasting opportunities.

22. Not wearing sunscreen.

23. Credit card debt.

25. Pointless arguments.

25. Petty grudges.

26. Poor dental hygiene.

27. Breaking laws.

28. Being hard on themselves.

29. Not asking for help.

30. Worrying about how others perceive them.

31. Getting attached to people who don’t reciprocate.

32. Staying in an unhealthy relationship.

33. Not saying “I love you” enough.

34. Doing what others want and not what they want.

35. Rushing into marriage.

36. Just going with the flow.

37. Not sticking up for the little guy.