🔪 Notes from Watching the First Two Seasons of The Bear

(spoilers ahead)

This show is going to inspire a generation of chefs.

How often do cooks get trapped in walk-ins? Television leads me to believe it happens all the time. If a walk-in appears in a show, you can guarantee someone will get stuck in there at some point.

The character of Sydney gets a lot of hate, some deserved and some not. If you try to mention the flaws in the Sydney character, people will point out Richie and Carm’s flaws and ask why you aren’t talking about them. The difference is that when Richie and Carm are being shitty (which is often) we are told they are being shitty by other characters. Their shittiness is constantly reinforced by the consequences they face for their actions. That’s not the case when Sydney is being shitty. When Sydney literally stabbed her coworker, she suffered zero consequences. The incident is even referred to in the passive voice. It’s not “Sydney stabbed Richie,” but Richie “was stabbed.” As if Sydney had nothing to do with it.

The show has a little bit of a Ted Lasso problem. Everyone loves each other and they’re all best friends. Characters can be jerks, but you know they will eventually realize they’re being jerks, apologize, and kiss and make up with the other characters. Sometimes you just don’t like people, and they don’t like you. Especially coworkers.

Character arcs are too sudden and linear. Richie and Tina go from rude and disrespectful to kind and wise seemingly overnight. It’s heartwarming but abrupt.

If this show was made 15 years ago, Claire would be played by Zooey Deschanel.

The “Fishes” episode is a masterpiece and nails the dysfunctional family Christmas gathering dynamic.

The first 45 seconds of “New Noise” is my new hype song.

The number of times “yes, chef,” “behind,” and “corner” have been uttered in home kitchens across the United States has gone up 10000% since this show started airing.