🔗 Link Dump #23

  1. A PDF street design manual published by the city of Oslo. [🔗 oslo.kommune.no]
  2. Lessons on how to write a book in three days. [🔗 wetasphalt.com]
  3. 29 rules for reading. [🔗 washingtonpost.com]
  4. Small vehicles of Tokyo. [🔗 cityofsound.com]
  5. Bookmarks and favorites. [🔗 broadsheet.chasem.co]
  6. The 100 best movies of the past ten decades. [🔗 time.com]
  7. The best TV shows of the past 25 years. [🔗 rottentomatoes.com]
  8. The best movies of the past 25 years. [🔗 rottentomatoes.com]